Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Watch out, y'all! I am going to be HOT!

So my first week I am down 3.4 pounds, y'all! I am very excited about this because let me tell ya... I've been eating good! Good as in delicious food. And good as in good for me! Thank you, Jesus, for Pinterest because I have gotten some GREAT recipes off of there. The hubs even has enjoyed them. And you know what we ate last night for dinner that was totally in my point range? BLTs! Do what?! That is right. I had a BLT on my DIET. That is just crazy. Look how good this looks!

And your eyes do not deceive you. Those are chips! Baked Lays, but still! Chips! What I love about WW is you can literally have WHATEVER you want. It is all about moderation and portion control. So I had 3 pieces of applewood smoked bacon (3P+) on 2 pieces of white bread (3P+) *side note - I do not normally buy or eat white bread. But my husband has been doing so good eating what I cook (even enjoying it) and has been so supportive that I bought white bread for our BLTs. He totally doesn't mind whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and all that stuff, but wheat bread is not his fav. But because he is so awesome, he eats it anyway. So I decided I would surprise him with white bread. - end side note*. My BLT has less than 1 TBSP of Hellman's Mayo made with Olive Oil (1 P+) and of course the lettuce, tomato, and red onion were 0 points. Technically we had BLTOs. With the Baked Lays Cheddar and Sour Cream chips (3 P+ for 1 oz or approx 10 chips) my whole meal was 10 P+! It was delicious and I was incredibly satisfied. Granted, this won't be a weekly meal since it isn't that great for you, but it was a treat that fell perfectly within my allowed points.

I have a WW recipe I cooked last week that was very tasty, but I think the WW website has the points wrong so I am going to figure it up on my own and then post the recipe here. It was great. The hubs even requested it go into our cooking rotation. And it was easy, so even better! 

So here are a few goals I am going to set for the upcoming weeks:
  • Do my Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD I bought at Target ($9.96!)
  • Do before pictures for the 30 Day Shred and just for the blog in general. I have been putting this off, but I really want to have good before and after photos. 
  • Try to get in more water. I am not quite drinking as much as I should, but I am getting there.
  • Eat more dairy. With watching my points, I realized I accidentally cut out pretty much all dairy, which is NOT recommended by WW. I should be getting 3 servings a day. I am not quite reaching my daily point allowance every day (which is also NOT recommended) so I think I will reach all my points by adding dairy back into my diet.
  • Get my 'go-to' recipes into my WW tracker so it will be easier to track in the long run
  • Get the balls to tell people I am blogging again. I feel like I am just talking..err..writing to myself!
  • Possibly buy a too-small swimsuit as inspiration. We are planning to go on a cruise in January to the Caribbean and since it will be hard to find a swim suit then, I should just buy one now on the cheap. *Target's swimsuits are all on sale!*
  • I want to lose 5 pounds by my next WW meeting. I think I can do it, and I get rewarded (with a sticker, but who doesn't like a gold star sticker?!) if I lose my first 5 pounds.
Alright, y'all (me). That is it for now. I'll post some of my meals I have been eating soon! 

Love always,


Thursday, June 21, 2012

I've Done Been Caught!

By my dang sneaky husband...

Last night he was on his computer while we were watching Wheel of Forture, or The Wheel, as we call it (don't hate), and he all of a sudden said "HEY! You've been blogging!" Damnnnn...I kind of forgot he follows me (1 of 3 so it shouldn't have been that difficult), but he never updates his own blog so I didn't really see this as a problem. But there he went, stalking me...So I let him read it. I really didn't want to, but at that point I couldn't say no. But it ended up being a good thing. We had a really good talk. And he is making me get up in the mornings now (not my fav thing in the world, but I told myself I would). But I am one lucky gal to such a supportive and loving husband. He wants me to do better because I want to do better. We are encouraging each other.

Yesterday, I decided to join Weight Watchers. I mean, have you seen Jennifer Hudson! See looks AMAZING. And supposedly it is the most successful weight loss program since you eat real food and you are able to incorporate things you love and even those extras that seem forbidden on other diets. So I joined, got my official weight (yikes!), and went to my first meeting.

The meeting made me feel really at ease. I was probably the heaviest person in there, but it was women of all different backgrounds - white, black, older, younger, real old...But it was good. The topic was all about eating what you love. That there is no need to eat anything you simply don't like just because it is considered good for you or healthy. Hell, everything in moderation is perfectly fine. Moderation being the key word.

The lady leading the class asked us to write down things we eat that we just don't like..I thought to myself 'Uhhh, Lady, I don't eat anything that I don't like..obviously..that is why I am here!' But it was refreshing to know that I won't have to force something down that I just can't stand.

I then had to stay after for some sort of beginners meeting. Luckily, I wasn't the only one. The same lady that led the class led this meeting as well. The first thing she told us was that she had lost 127 pounds..Do What?! That is just mind boggling. And she had kept it off for 11 years. Oh and she is 65 years old and works out every day...Yea yea..I hear ya God..If this lady can do it at 65, then I damn sure can do it at 26.

So today was really my first official day of WW... Here is what I have eaten thus far:

Slim Fast (that didn't hold me over and was gross and was 5 freaking points! No more)
2 Eggs (4 pts) with salsa (0 pts!) and some cantelope (0 pts!)


Tuna salad (with Hellman's Mayo, spicy brown Mustard & relish - 3 pts) with 7 Ritz Crackers (3 pts)
Handful of carrots (0 pts!) and grape tomatoes (0 pts!) & 1.5 T of FULL FAT! Ranch dressing (3 pts)


Of course as soon as I opened the tuna package, Gracie ran into the kitchen. Girl loves her some tuna. Then bugged me to death to get some..


I had already given her some at this point. Sometimes if you just put your hand down and she can't smell anything she will leave you in peace. Not the case with tuna...

I honestly haven't even thought about dinner yet. I better start making some plans ahead of time. Thank you, Jesus, for Pinterest and all of its countless recipes. A lot of which are WW approved!

My first weight loss goal is 5% which is 14 pounds. That's as much info as I am giving you about my current weight until later on. You can break out the calculator if you so wish. But I will cut you if you say one negative thing to me..Have a great day!

Love always,


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hear Ye, Hear Ye....

Or is it Here Ye, Here Ye? I'm not sure. And I don't really care..

The other day we had my parents and Zach's Dad and Step-Mom over for Father's Day. I made a DELISH meal for every one. And I have to say, I was quite proud of myself. And to quote my mother 'I'm kind of impressed; and I'm a semi-professional'. I don't know why this cracked me up, but it did. My mom is an amazing cook and for her to be impressed is flattering.

Anyways, the point I am trying to make while patting myself on the back is that my mom asked when I was going to start blogging again. I almost told her I had, but I am just not ready yet. I want to have some improvements made before I tell everyone I am writing again. But I do love the fact that she loves my posts.

I also thought about what I really want this blog to be about. And I figured I just needed to give a forewarning to those who may read it eventually one day. Which also means this forewarning will be posted wayyy down the blog before someone gets to it (apparently I plan on doing some serious blogging) and kind of defeats the purpose of a forewarning..but whatever..

When I first started this blog over a year ago, Zach and I were living/working/life-being-consumed at the seminary. I felt like I really had to hold back on how I felt about some things or even my sense of humor (which for the most part is dirty). I like to say certain cuss words because, dammit (see what I did there?), sometimes it gets the point across better. I like to have a glass of wine without getting threatened to be fired, my husband expelled, and evicted. (This will be a whole blog post in itself in the future....). My New Orleans post would have been WAY more entertaining had I talked about the 11 AM daiquiris, the piano bar that wouldn't play Clarence Carter's 'Strokin' (but played Ce-Lo's 'F*** You'; makes no damn sense), and the 3 AM morning we stumbled into our hotel room. I definitely would have been fired over all of that! But mostly, I like being myself. And I just felt like I couldn't be when I first started writing and that is why I didn't for about year.

So consider yourself warned. I may drop a few cuss words. I may even drop the F bomb if I so feel the need (more than likely not; simply because the only person I try not to offend is my mother and she does not care for the f word). I will NEVER say GD (I think the F word is mild compared to that..). I will talk candidly about my husband and allll aspects of being married, and I will talk about having a drink here and there. But this will definitely be my outlet on my weight loss. Even if no one ever reads this, and I never get the balls to tell anyone about it; it is there for the interwebs to see and somehow makes me feel like I am being held accountable.

What I won't talk about is politics. I have my views, and I feel strongly about them, but it is probably my least favorite thing to discuss so it probably won't happen. I probably won't talk much about religion. While yes, I am a Christian, and quite proud to be one, I want this to be lighthearted. There may be times this comes up but it won't be often. But do know, if YOU ever have questions about your faith, I would love to talk to you one on one. My faith is very exciting to me.

So if I have already offended you (I'm looking at the person who tried to get me fired for having a glass of wine) then go ahead and close your Internet browser because I don't really give a shit!

OH! And I do plan on having lots of pictures...You have been warned..

Love always,


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Just Do It!

Well...I am officially 26 years old now. As of day 3 of being 26, I think I am doing a pretty dang good job of my resolution to myself. '26 is my year!' is my new motto. By the time I turn 27, I will be a different, better person.

How was my birthday, you ask? It was probably one of the best I have ever had. The perfect way to start fresh; with all the people I love and hold dear in my heart. I did get myself something with some of my birthday money. These lovely shoes. Nike Frees. And they are heaven on my feet.

I had Nike Shocks, but literally every time I tried to work out in them, they would hurt my feet so bad I ended up being down for a day or two. No bueno. These bad boys though make me feel like I am barefoot (my preferred way to workout, but that is hard to do on an asphalt track!). While tennis shoes on my feet is a rare occurrence, it is about to become an everyday thing. Because I WILL DO THIS!

And while I had never really paid much attention to Nike's logo, it just made so much sense to me as I was lacing up my shoes yesterday to go walk/run with the hubs. This may just be my new motto... 

Love always,


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Something my best friend said hit me straight in the gut the other weekend. She honestly probably has no idea how much it effected me, but it did. It was like a light switch went off. I was embarrassed, sad, and determined all at once all of a sudden. And I hate to even write about it because I know she did not direct the comment at me and that she would never intentionally hurt my feelings, but what she said stuck in my head. And I thank her for it.

We were at Riverfest in Little Rock, AR celebrating her 26th birthday with our wonderful significant others. While waiting for Snoop Dogg to come on (you read that correctly), this random girl next to us ask if I would go get her a beer. I politely told her no, but she then asked Olivia and she said she would. So off we went to get this random person a beer. In casual conversation, I asked Libby (Olivia, Libby..same person..keep up with me) why in the world this girl couldn't get her own beer?! Libby simply replied "she's lazy. Just look at her". Holy crap did that sting. It was completely not meant for me and I'll be a little conceited and admit I was definitely better looking than that broad, but she was smaller than me. At least I thought so, and it wasn't like I was polling the people around us to make sure. At that moment, a light went off. That was my problem. I am just plain lazy...

I've never been super skinny. I would give my left leg (I figure that is the least needed appendage. I would still have both my hands and my driving foot) to look like I did in high school when I thought I was soooo fat. I wasn't. I had a great figure. I was curvy with a big butt. I could have been more toned, but I definitely wasn't huge. Fast forward 8 years (that number weirds me out. It seriously has been 8 years since we graduated high school), and I am definitely over weight, very uncomfortable in my own skin, and a little (a lot) depressed about it. Yet, I don't do anything about it. I cry, bitch, and moan about how unhappy I am with my weight (mostly to myself since I like it put up a front that I'm super awesome and everyone should know it), but I still sit my fat ass in front of the TV every night munching on crap. 

It is simply that I am lazy. I have a wonderful job where I work when and how much I want. I know how to work out. I have dozens of DVDs, access to the Internet that is just full of websites willing to help me if I would just do it, and even lots of options in town in regards to gyms and personal trainers. But I guess it is just easier to bitch and moan and feel sorry for myself rather than make some changes and be happy with myself.

Now, I am not one of these people that has ever been bullied due to my size. I have always had lots of friends. I have had boyfriends. I grew up in an amazing family where both of my parents loved each other (and still do..going on 35 years!) where I was the only child (other than my older brother..bahaha) and had a pretty cushy life. I married my high school sweetheart who thinks I am the most beautiful and sexy thing to ever walk this planet. He makes me feel special. That a Victoria's Secret model could come up to him and try to whisk him away and he would tell her no. That is how amazing he makes me feel. We've been married almost 3 years (together almost 9), and he still looks at me with googly eyes. He is the reason I don't want to get off the couch and he is a big reason why I need to. I want us to have a long life together with as little health problems as possible. I want to have his babies (one day...not anytime soon..), and dammit, I want to be cute pregnant. I don't want to look like some beached whale. 

So ladies and gents, Monday is my 26th birthday. I will be celebrating with lots of loved ones who always make me feel special. And as of Monday, June 11, 2012, I will no longer be lazy. I will get up with my husband and workout before I go to work. I will work out with my husband after work. I will make smarter food choices. I know how to do it. I just need to do it. I have a friend who recently lost over 100 pounds doing it the hard way. 100 pounds! That is amazing! She has always been beautiful, but now she just radiates because of her self confidence. I want to feel like that. I want to be as confident on the inside as I portray on the outside. And while I am not really telling anyone about this little blog post until I have reached my first goal weight (or maybe my second goal weight), I am writing it as a reminder to myself. That I am worthy. That I am beautiful. And as long as I have God, my family, and my friends on my side cheering me on, I can do anything. I will be healthy.. and not lazy...

Love always,


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

25 Things I Have Learned in 25 Years

I recently turned *gasp* a quarter century year old...The big 2-5. I know, I know, I am still very young and I have a lot of years left in me. But it just feels so weird that I am 25. I feel like I should still be 16, arguing with my mom about cleaning my room, not having a care in the world, and only making $5.25 an hour at McAlister's Deli. Oh the good ol' days. I wouldn't have changed a thing. But in my old age, I have become enlightened on so many levels (ha). So I present the top 25 things I have learned in my 25 years of life. Enjoy!

1.  No matter how old I get, I am going to squeal when I see a spider, and I expect you to kill it. (I am looking at you Mr. Rateliff)

2.  I went through puberty when my mom went through menopause. We survived (barely) a horrid, hormonal war, and now she is my best friend. No matter what, you have your mama. And for those moms out there, it will get better!

3.  At the end of a bad day, a hug from my daddy makes me know everything is going to be okay.

4.  Marriage is absolutely wonderful and I love every minute of it. It makes me feel important and selfless at the same time. Marry someone who loves you because of your quirks. God blessed me with my soulmate. (I love you Zach).

5.  Mushrooms are and always will be disgusting.

6.  Live it up before you have to enter the real world because paying bills sucks!

7.  You never forget your first love, but there is a reason they are your first and not your only.

8.  Never leave home without atleast some powder, mascara, and blush on. It is all you really need.

9.  Ladies, have some dignity and cover your goodies.

10. Throughout the years, you're going to lose close friends due to petty arguements. Don't focus on who isn't there for you anymore, focus on who is comforting you through those times.

11. Want to make happy? Buy me shoes! No matter how skinny or big you are, a hot pair of shoes always fit.

12. Jesus was perfect, Christians are not. We know this. We have flaws and sin, but He is still there for us (and you) no matter what.

13. True feminism is respecting our bodies, standing up for those issues that matter, and working hard to get our goals in life accomplished. Feminism is not the right to be a whore.

14. Long distance relationships can work, you just have to be more stubborn than your significant other. And when problems occur, discuss it, forgive, and move on.

15. Your best friend is part of your family.

16. Learning to do things on your own is a good thing. Getting a pedicure, shopping, eating out alone are all enjoyable if you quit caring what people may thing if you're by yourself. 'Me' time is wonderful and necessary, and as you get older, you get less and less of it. So enjoy while you can!

17. When you are upset, all you need is your best friend, ice cream, and a good movie.

18. Calories do not count the week of your birthday.

19. Speaking of birthdays, it is perfectly acceptable to celebrate your half birthday! Mine is December 11th. Mark your calendars.

20. Zach and I got married in Vegas and we have yet to regret not having a big, fancy wedding. Save your money and have fun with it! It's about you two getting married! No one else!

21. If you go out in heels, always have backup flats! Otherwise you may be tempted to go barefoot. Trust me on this one....

22. I love my husband more and more everyday.

23. Don't mess with people who handle your food. If something is wrong with your order, 'please' and 'thank you' will get the issue resolved just as easy as getting an attitude will..and without the spit!

24. Take a compliment when you are given one.

25. God is always listening and ready to help. You just have to talk to Him. He listens to your prayers and while he may not answer them right away, He always does when the time is right.

Love always,


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lazy Water

Totally forgot to post about the most bizarre thing I saw while in New Orleans.

Riddle me this..

Why does the water in the bathroom cost $6.00...

But the water next to the bed cost $8.00?

You must pay $2.00 for your laziness! Come on people! Move your butts 10 feet to save 2 bucks. Or be lazy and switch them out later.

The craziest part...water by the pool is free..and cold!

Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

Love always,
